A scalable and adaptive approach to ADAS data delivery for ISA, NCAP, and more.
Our next-generation, cloud-based, electronic horizon solution also functions as a platform for delivering advanced driver assistance data to control units throughout the vehicle.
Map data fused with sensor information from the vehicle provides the accuracy needed to meet intelligent speed assistance (ISA) and other ADAS-related regulatory and NCAP requirements.
From ISA to adaptive cruise control and beyond, an innovative, contextual path-streaming solution enables targeted, and timely, delivery of ADAS-related data to vehicle ECUs, at bandwidth levels an order magnitude below those of existing solutions.
Map management and most-probable-path calculation happen in the cloud, not in the cockpit reducing data consumption. Configurable contextual data transmission, based on regional or local cellular coverage and speed, combined with predictive caching provides seamless offline fallback.
Improve the reliability of existing ADAS services with a cost-effective map delivery ecosystem. Evolve services and create revenue opportunities by provisioning new ADAS functionality simply and easily from the cloud.
Stream on the go. With most storage and compute-heavy map elements handled server-side, innovative map-tile and route-path streaming significantly reduce data load. Contextual caching, with optional cellular-data coverage prediction, provides a seamless offline fallback.
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