
Press release

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Enhancing road safety with new TPEG-based public emergency alerts and warnings

NNG, in collaboration with the German Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), and fellow Traveller Information Services Association (TISA) members, has successfully concluded a trial that provides public emergency warnings to travelers in real-time.


28 Sep, 2021

Enhancing road safety: New technology provides travelers with public emergency warnings

Bonn, Brussels, Budapest, September 28th, 2021

NNG, in collaboration with the German Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), and fellow Traveller Information Services Association (TISA) members, has successfully concluded a trial that provides public emergency warnings to travelers in real-time.

This summer’s flooding catastrophes in Germany and the Benelux has made it utmost clear that early and effective warnings can save lives.

says Teun Hendriks, TISA Technical and Standardisation Committee co-chair.

TISA has proven that TPEG Emergency Alerts and Warnings are an effective dissemination channel to inform travellers about various dangers. NNG’s iGO.navigation system makes manual driving safer by presenting TPEG warnings in an informative, non-distracting way to the end user, who may not even speak the local language, nor be familiar with the local geography and locations of towns.

added Dr. Martin Pfeifle, CTO of NNG.

A part of the TPEG protocol family (ISO 21219-series), the TPEG Emergency Alerts and Warnings technology distributes official Emergency Alerts and Warnings as issued by public authorities and/or authorized agencies. Emergency Alerts and Warnings are typically issued to warn the general public of impending danger, for example, fires, flooding, civil emergencies, severe weather, but also security hazards or hostile acts.

TPEG-based distribution of Emergency Alerts and Warnings now provides alerts/warnings to travelers in a safe way, while ensuring compatibility with both in-vehicle navigation systems (as in-vehicle digital radio receivers) and by ensuring that messages are also understandable for non-native speakers/residents, and visitors from foreign countries. Now emergency warnings can also reach travelers, allowing those at risk to take action.

The trial, conducted in Germany throughout 2021 and concluded in September, confirmed the effectiveness of the TPEG-based Emergency Alerts and Warnings protocol, which now will be submitted to ISO for worldwide standardization.

More information about this trial (which was partially funded by the ISF project[1]) will be made exclusively available at the ITS World Congress between 11 and 15 October. TISA and its members will be present in hall B5, booths #5011 and #5012.

For a demonstration of TPEG2-EAW, book your time slot here

[1] Part of this work has been carried out within the framework of an ISF federal-state project “Warning the Population”. The EU-funded project is 75% co-financed by the Internal Security Fund.

About TISA

TISA – Traveller Information Services Association – is a market-driven membership association with worldwide scope. It was established in 2007 as a not-for-profit company focusing on the implementation of Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) services and products based on established standards, including RDS-TMC and TPEGTM technologies. TISA supports the maintenance and development of standardized technologies leading to economic implementation and rapid market acceptance across a wide range of travel information services and products.

About BBK

The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) was established on 1st May 2004 within the remit of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. With the multiplicity of services in relation to all matters of civil protection, the BBK is a federal service center for authorities at all levels of administration, as well as for NGOs, organizations, and institutions working in civil protection. It applies an interdisciplinary approach to all types of security measurements in order to become an effective system to protect the civil population and the resources which are vital to individuals’ survival.

Within the framework of an ISF federal-state project “Warning the Population”, which has been carried out at the BBK since 2016, work is being done on the socio-technical improvement of warnings in Germany. The EU-funded project is 75% co-financed by the Internal Security Fund. One of the tasks is to develop new warning channels. One result identified is the issuing of warnings on terminal devices in the navigation and traffic information sector.

About NNG

Global and independent since 2004, NNG’s proven automotive software has hit the road in more than 60 million devices worldwide. Today, with product lines spanning Navigation, Connected Services, Cockpit, and Cybersecurity, NNG delivers seamless, next-generation mobility solutions that are smart, secure, and connected – from the cockpit to the cloud.

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